earn rewards for every dollar you spend

earn rewards for every dollar you spend

Loyal customers are the backbone of Smoker Friendly!

Sign up for our rewards program at your local store and get great perks for being one of our favorite people. Earn points for the money you spend in our stores and use it toward future purchases, plus enter amazing sweepstakes for a chance to win prizes and merch!

Earn $1 for every $150 you spend in any of our stores

Buy 5 Papers and Wraps
and get $5 off

Pipe Club

Pipe Club

Spend $50 on Pipes and get $5 off

CBD Club

CBD Club

Spend $50 on CBD and get $5 off

Wine Club

Wine Club

Buy 4 Bottles of Wine get 15% off

Vape Club

Vape Club

Buy 4 Vapes get $5 off


Enter our customer of the month drawing where one lucky customer wins $100 every month in each of our 43 stores!


Smoker Friendly is proud to offer 5% off eligible purchases every day to active military personnel and veterans.